三坐标测量机验收办法Acceptance Test for CMM
GB/T16857.2-2006《坐标测量机的验收检测和复检检测-第2 部分:用于测量尺寸的坐标测量机》(等同ISO 10360-2:2001);
Theacceptance tests on site by customer should follow this standard:
GB/T16857.2-2006, Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuringmachines
part2: CMMs used for measuring size (ISO 10360-2:2001, IDT).
1检测项目 Tests Item:
1.1外观及各部分的相互作用Appearance and function for each section
1.2计算机、打印机及软件功能 Function of computer, printer and software
1.3探测误差(P)Probing Error
1.4示值误差(E)Error of indication for size measurement
2检测方法Tests method:
检测前测量机应通电24 小时以上。
TheCMM should keep the status of „power on‟ over 24 hours.
Checkby eye to confirm the appearance is OK and operate the CMM to confirm each
sectioncan work well.
Checkthe function of computer, printer and software by relevant analytic program.
2.3探测误差(P)的检测 Test Probing Error (P):
在直径不小于10mm 不大于50mm 的检测球上,用长度符合厂商规定的探针,随意选择探针的方位,触测25 个点,各点在半球上的分布尽量均匀,用全部25 个测量值计算出最小二乘球的中心,并计算出各点的径向距离,最大径向距离与最小径向距离之差即为探测误差(P)。应满足给定的MPEP 值。
Aplaced test sphere, which has a diameter not less than 10 mm and not greaterthan 50 mm, is measured with 25 equally distributed points by a tip whoselength is stated by manufacturer. These 25 stochastic points should locate onarbitrary direction. Use all 25 measurements to compute the Least Squareassociated sphere. Calculate the distance between each of the 25 measurementsand the sphere center in the radial direction. The range of the 25 distances isMPEP. The actual measurement on site must be within the stated MPEP.
TestError of indication for size measurement(E):
2.4.1在坐标测量机的工作空间任选七个方位,每个方位测5 个尺寸的量块,每个尺寸的量块测量三次。即35 组测量长度总测量次数为105 次。计算105 个长度测量的误差值△ L,应满足给定的坐标测量机长度测量的示值误差MPEE值。
Choose7 different positions within the CMM measuring volume and measure a set of 5sizes gauge block at each position. Each size is measured 3 times, so can get atotal of 105 measurements in 35 groups. Calculate △ L-the error of this 105length measurements. All of them must be within the specified MPEE.
2.4.235 组测量长度中,允许最多有5 组,其三次重复测量中有一次超出规定的MPEE 值,对每个超差的测量长度,应在相应的方位再测10 次,如10 次复测得到的所有长度测量的误差值△ L 均在MPEE 值内,则示值误差(E)的检测被通过。
Inthe 35 groups of data, 5 groups of data at most can be permitted to have 1 ofthe 3 measurements over the stated MPEE value. If such case occurs, for eachoversized measurement, it should be measured again at the same position for 10more times. If all of the new 10 measurements‟ errors of △ L are within MPEEvalue, the verification for E is passed.
2.4.3上述测量中探针长度应符合厂商规定,量块最短长度不应大于30mm;量块最大长度至少是坐标测量机工作空间对角线最大长度的66%,如超过1m 时,则用1m 量块。
Thelength of probe tip above-mentioned is stated by manufacturer. The minimumlength of gauge block should be shorter than 30mm and the maximum length shouldbe longer than 66% of the maximum cater-corner length of CMM‟s working volume.The maximum length of block should be 1m if the value calculated is longer than1m.
Buyershould check and accept the CMM according to the tests report, packing list
andcontract. If tests result is OK, the representatives of both sides should signon the
AcceptanceReport. If disagreements occur, settlement through amicable negotiation
betweenthe two parties is advocated. Any unsettled problem should be recorded in
memorandumto help both sides to look for further settlement.